The Hammer of Moradin Smithy This large establishment is owned and run by Asgus Bloodforge of the High Council. There are a number of forges within the building and an apprentice at each of them, pounding away at some of the finest ore this region has to offer. If you have quite a bit of coin and are in search of something special or ornate, speak with Asgus himself in the back. He's usually making a custom item for a traveler in town, but he can always spare a few moments to take a new order. His craftsmanship is legendary and his enchantments are just as notable. Occasionally, Larrel and Lord d'Averam themselves will enchant one of Asgus' beautiful weapons and hold a competition for it in Helmgardt square. Asgus is a seasoned fighter as well as priest, and he is a former traveling companion to Lord d'Averam and General de Thatre'.
Temple of Gathered Divinity and the Seldarine Collective This majestic citadel stands nearly as tall as d'Averam keep, and is among the most notable establishments in Helmgardt. Acolytes from all over Faerun travel here to be under the tutelage of our great priests and cardinals of the lawful elven, human, and dwarven gods. Inside is a veritable museum of sorts, holy reliquaries and statues adorn the walls and corridors of the great temple. Within the main hall is "The Seldarine Collective", a great shrine erected by Asgus Bloodforge and High Priest Moravain Moorsleeve to aid in the interrment of new acolytes and monks. High Priest Moorsleeve resides within, taking new entries for the temple. High Priest Moorsleeve serves on the High Council, and his wisdom is a blessing for those seeking advice. His appearance is truly something to behold, for his robes and beard are an ivory colored white, and both hang upon the ground beneath him. The Firebrand Inn This lavish inn is owned and run by Jhelom, a retired adventurer. He was once a great thief, and renowned for his ability to locate and disarm any trap set upon him. However, now he is older, and his eyes are not quite as sharp. He has many stories to tell, and he's only happy when the tavern is filled to capacity to tell them. His rooms are fit for a noble, and the employees at the tavern keep them that way. You can always find a good laugh, a travelling companion, or a decent tale here. |